Showing posts with label website planning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label website planning. Show all posts

Monday, December 10, 2007

Deleting addon domain messes up sub domain

I deleted and readded it then went down because the nameservers didn't know what to do. Be careful when deleting domains.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Major Catastrophe while upgrading.

I did a fantastico update of all the wordpress blogs on A couple blogs generated errors and that made me lose all the subdomains.

The importance of backups cannot be overstressed.

With the help of hostmonster's personnel, I was able to restore the data back a week. Praise God! In comparison, I called my former webhost to inquire about an SSL account, I was on hold for 15 minutes. I gave up.

Hostmonster has adequate support staff online to help.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Keep Things Simple

Had a great day today, or so I thought. Setting up and using Wordpress has been pretty simple. Hostmonster's Cpanel and fantastico installer software make installation and UPGRADING fairly easy.

Caveat: That is, if you don't monkey with the default installation or decide to put in plugins that add things to your script.

Being somewhat technically-savvy, things started out as a good challenge. Being able to understand the technical jargon and conceptualize was a plus. However, it got "old."

I was troubleshooting rather than being productive.

Lightweight: GDI makes things simple for US$10 a month. EXCELLENT! Good income potential too.

Middleweight: Hostmonster's fantastico is a breeze. Keep it simple. A little technical but can be kept simple.

Heavyweight: From Start to Finish, Sitesell takes care of everything but at a premium.

Your choice!

Keep Things Simple

Had a great day today, or so I thought. Setting up and using Wordpress has been pretty simple. Hostmonster's Cpanel and fantastico installer software make installation and UPGRADING fairly easy.

Caveat: That is, if you don't monkey with the default installation or decide to put in plugins that add things to your script.

Being somewhat technically-savvy, things started out as a good challenge. Being able to understand the technical jargon and conceptualize was a plus. However, it got "old."

I was troubleshooting rather than being productive.

GDI makes things simple for US$10 a month. EXCELLENT! Good income potential too.
Hostmonster's fantastico is a breeze. Keep it simple. A little technical but can be kept simple.
From Start to Finish, Sitesell takes care of everything but at a premium.

Your choice!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Planning your website carefully

Planning! Prioritizing! Proceeding!

There's always so much to do and so little time. Choosing what to do first. What's important versus what's urgent. What's attractive versus what's necessary. These are considerations that need attention and discipline to follow through